Rabu, 04 September 2013

Test Mikrobiologi Cepat dan Mudah - DOX System

Test Mikrobiologi Cepat dan Mudah - DOX System..!! Teruji di banyak negara dan telah dipakai di BPOM..!! Alat untuk pengujian mikrobiologi banyak ragam mikroba dengan cara mudah dan cepat (3-6 jam saja)..!! Dapat running sampai 60 sampel sekaligus...!!. DOWNLOD INFORMASI LENGKAP PRODUK INI (file pdf) DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN LINK INI.

The DOX System is an automated Microbiological Monitoring System developed by Bio-Theta Ltd., a subsidiary of DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD.

The DOX is a rapid bacterial testing food inspection unit which uses an automated system for quantifying and identifying aerobic bacteria in food. It operates by combining a diluted food sample with a DOX culture medium in a DOX resin cartridge cell. Through the DOX cartridge cell's electrodes, the oxygen consumption of bacteria is measured via electric current.

The microorganism count is automatically recorded and evaluated upon a specific amount of time in less than 21hrs.

Multiple Bacterial Testing in One Machine
  1. Tests: TVC, Coliform, E.coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterobacteriaceae
  2. Rapid Bacterial Testing Results vs. Conventional Agar Plate Method
  3. Multiple Bacterial Testing with Individual results
  4. Automated Bacterial Testing and Data Report
  5. Oxygen electrode method
Untuk informasi dan permintaan demo produk silahkan hubungi via email di easy4test@yahoo.com / easy4test@gmail.com atau call/SMS di nomor 085310135381, atau 085779721597

2 komentar:


  2. bisa minta spesifikasi dan penggunaannya secara lengkap? karena link yang diberikan tidak dpat di akses, ini emai saya mufidarantisyi95@gmail.com trims



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